Franka Bause
PhD Candidate in the work group Machine Learning with Graphs

Research Group Data Mining
and Machine Learning
Research and teaching staff
University of Vienna
Währinger Straße 29,
1090 Vienna,
Room 6.01
I completed both my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at TU Dortmund University, graduating with honors in 2020. Throughout my studies, I gained valuable experience working as a research and teaching assistant.
Currently, I am a PhD student at the University of Vienna, focusing on efficient graph learning. My research mostly centers around similarity measures for graphs, with the aim of improving both efficiency and accuracy. I am particularly passionate about anything related to graphs – my favorite one is the Petersen graph.
Selected Publications
Approximating the Graph Edit Distance with Compact Neighborhood Representations
Franka Bause, Christian Permann, Nils M. Kriege
2024 ECML/PKDD (5): 300-318
On the Two Sides of Redundancy in Graph Neural Networks
Franka Bause, Samir Moustafa, Johannes Langguth, Wilfried N. Gansterer, Nils M. Kriege
2024, ECML/PKDD (6): 371-388,
EmbAssi: Embedding Assignment Costs for Similarity Search in Large Graph Databases
Franka Bause, Erich Schubert, Nils M. Kriege
2022, Knowl. Discov. 36(5): 1728-1755
Gradual Weisfeiler-Leman: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Franka Bause, Nils Morten Kriege
2022, LoG: 20
Metric Indexing for Graph Similarity Search
Franka Bause, David B. Blumenthal, Erich Schubert, Nils M. Kriege
2021, SISAP: 323-336
Computing Optimal Assignments in Linear Time for Approximate Graph Matching
Nils M. Kriege, Pierre-Louis Giscard, Franka Bause, Richard C. Wilson
2019, ICDM: 349-358